Scorpion Corp's Mission Files
          Escape from Bangkok (#1)

          "Get these Damn wires off me! Where is my gun! I want it now!", the glowing eyes of the orc dared anyone to deny him his request. He stood next to the hospital bed and began to tear away at the medical tubing and monitors that were placed all over his body. The young nurse stood in shock amazement as he tore off his hospital clothing and stood before her in the nude. His body was very large and muscular and although the olive green skin was rough and contained many scars and warty protrusions, she let out an audible gasp as she saw his body in the buff. For a moment she forgot what real danger she was in and considered the possibilities.
          "Quite your gawking frail and get me my dreking clothes.", he said in a deep baritone voice. Without a word she pointed to the closet and hugged her status computer to her chest, as if it could protect her. With confident steps, Ravage walked over towards the closet and inspected his equipment. Slowly he put on his clothes and placed all the items in their respected hiding places and holsters. When he turned around and saw that the nurse was still there staring at him and he said in a softer voice,
          "Listen girl, you look good and all but I got biz to take care of and some ass to kick while I'm at it."
          Looking at his watch he noticed that he was in here for about two months and said,
          "Drek, that long I got to get back into the flow and see what the groups been up to. Hope nobodies gotten themselves capped."
          With a big grin he walked up to the nurse and looked her up and down with his huge green flecked eyes. She could feel his deep musky breath hit her face and a feeling of horror but also of desire came over her.
          "I'll be looking you up frail, when I'm done with my biz. You can count on that." said Ravage in a lusty voice and then he walked out of the room, leaving the heavily breathing woman standing in the room alone and confused. No one would ever had guessed that Ravage was in a coma for 2 whole months and had fought off death throughout his stay.

          Ravage left the hospital as fast as he could. He hated those places because he hated the idea of someone staring at his body in a weakened prone position. All his life he had to fight for what he wanted and his whole rep. was based on being the stronger yet smarter of his opponents. He knew he had just come out of a big, almost deadly situation but would he consider slowing down? Never. Once your in the shadows you can never slow down or you get run over by the competition or the wannabees that wanna show everyone they can take out a big time runner. He knew that the group must have been seeing action and he wanted back in. Ravage approached a busy vid phone and stared at the scrawny wage slave that was talking on the phone. The nervous man glanced at Ravage and without a good-bye he left the phone. Ravage smiled to himself and reveled in the power of his look. He then approached the phone and hung it up. Entering in a secret code for his private channel to the base house he waited for a reply. On the screen appeared a bored looking member of his mercenary group.
          "Yo Shelob, what the drek, did you do to get stuck with the communication duty?"
          With a gasp she realized she was looking at Ravage and said...


          "HOLY DREK!!! Wait, this line isn't secure!" A look of exasperation comes over her face.
          "Drider, get on it! Ravage sees a tall Dark Elf sitting in the background stick a trode into his skull, then the vid you are watching gets a little more grainy for a moment.
          "There," says Drider, "that should buy you chummers a little more time. I give you three minutes-- secure--after that who knows. . ."
          "Wiz Job, now start monitoring federal and police bands in Bangkok for any gonks looking for Ravage."
          "Ravage, how the hell are you? Last time I saw you standing you were eating frags on the Oil Rig," she smiles a sad smile, "Well choombata, things only went downhill from there." Shelob brushes her hair out of her eyes and shakes her head.
          "We lost most of the team down there Ravage, there was a coup in the government, those drekking roaches took over and ordered us to leave." Shelob pauses, "Guess they had second thoughts 'bout even that because they waxed Leon Red-Shirt in the hospital recovery room," shakes her head, "he wasn't even as bad off as you from the combat. Your rice gang of boys was doing a pretty good job covering your hide for a while there chummer, but it was only a matter of time before those maggots got to you for good."
          "Rakasha found one of the few Orc tourists in Bangkok--he was there looking for small boys to sell abroad in the slave trade--so we slashed and gashed him. He had a good hospital insurance contract and was quickly taken to a hospital, and there we switched identities. His body was taken to your room and you were sent to a platinum grade critical care room. Drider changed all the computer records and changed your identity. You are someone else now. I was just in time too, your Orc doppleganger died of cement poisoning out a 8 story window a few hours later. We allowed him one last laugh however, as he was booby rigged with some plastique attached to the bed and him. When he went out the look-see, the room went ballistic!"
          "However, Drider was piggybacking on the hospital security cameras at the time and he swears he saw two big bloody fraggers walk out the front of the building a few minutes later who stopped and looked at the bloody pulp on the pavement and then walk away."
          "But there's no way they could have lived through the C-4, right?!?!? Soon after that event, Scorpion Corps went to war, and we didn't do too well against their federal government. . ." Shelob leans close to the vid, "You gotta get out of there Ravage, it wants us dead. The government is full o o o o f f f ." Suddenly, the sound goes out. You see Shelob turn to Drider and yell at him. He raises his hands and shakes his head. Shelob quickly turns back and tries to mouth a word to you, all you can tell is it is a one syllable word. Seeing no look of recognition on your face she scrambles for a paper and begins writing. She holds up the pencil and a look of rage comes over her face, the pencil tip is broken. You make out one word on her lips at this point and you know exactly what it means, and it rhymes with "MUCK!" As the screen begins to fade out, Shelob is holding her thumbs interlocked and her fingers spread wide and waving like a butterfly and her eyes pleading with you to understand. . .

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Ravage shuts off the vid and swats a fly buzzing around his head. "Well, the Drek has hit the fan. . .


          "Damn this piece of drek." Ravage growls as he removes his fist from the vid screen, " Now I'm gonna have to do this the hard way."
          With a shrug Ravage leaves the phone and walks over to a man pulled carriage. Recalling a safe house he set up for himself in case Scorpion Corps got the screw, he snarls directions to the porter. Quickly Ravage thinks over the small list of trust worthy contacts he has in this flea ridden town and finds that is really small. Aside from the rice boys, who may all be dead, there was only one old merchant whom he used to do some biz with. He would try them all and see what answers he could get. Some how he had to find out where the group had gone to and how he could get back in touch with them. BAMM! BAMM! The head of the porter explodes into a fountain of crimson blood as two AP rounds slam into it. Ravage leaps out of the carriage, as the mutilated body continues to run in a hopeless attempt to escape death. Breathing in easy rhythm Ravage lands on the balls of his feet and rolls with the fall until he is in the cover of a nearby alley. Immediately his Ares Predator with smartlink is out and tracking for the sniper. The streets are empty, since any respectable and smart person would have shut their doors and barred them. The quite, tense moments seem like an eon as Ravage scans his surroundings using telephoto and binocular vision. On a two story building, about 20 meters ahead of his position, he spots a figure holding a long barrel rifle. The speed with which Ravage jumped out of the carriage and the macabre dance of the dead porter must have caused the sniper to lose his target. "Newbie." mutters Ravage to himself as he quickly runs down the alley to the street parallel to the shooting incident. He runs towards the building directly across from the building the sniper was located and checks for his position again. Seeing that the sniper is still looking at his past position, Ravage quickly runs over to the building and begins to climb a large tree next to the building. He leaps stealthy over to the roof and checks to see if the sniper has spotted him yet. To his surprise the meat has actually stood up and stretched out to get a better view of his line of fire. It takes nothing for Ravage to sneak up behind him and point the barrel of his Ares to the back of the slag's head. "Know this, you go to visit Shiva at the hands of Ravage. Tell her I'm back in the biz." With that he squeezes the trigger. Before the body of the shocked man can fall Ravage quickly grabs his hair with a free hand and holsters his Ares and draws out his katana in one fluid moment. With a prayer of respect he then cuts the head off of the unknown man and roars, "RAVAGE IS BACK! IF you want a piece of me, better send in the backup!" With that he searches around till he finds a piece of cracked wood and plunges it into the base of the decapitated head and places the horrible monument on top of the ledge for all to see. So much for the stealth approach. Its time to get down and dirty.


          "DRIDER, GOD-FRAG-IT! YOU SAID THREE MINUTES!" says Shelob her pale face actually beginning to show a little color."
          "Two and twenty on the vocal, and exactly three for the video--you're just gonna have to learn to talk faster frail." Drider says with a smirk. "Remember, it's Ravage were talking about here--if anyone can get out, its him..."
          "I don't like stranding people Drider, for drek sakes we don't even know what happened to Scorpio, he could be bagged and tagged for all we know. And Ravage is the only member of our team we've heard from in over two months, we gotta get him out. Hell, he doesn't even know where we are. We're getting him out!" Shelob gets on the com speaker, "Get me a fraggin wiz up here NOW!"
          "Ravage in Denver. . .that will be a sight! Can you say Lone Star decapitations?" Drider pauses, "Shelob, I advise getting the sub en route to that area. At the least if he can get to a surrounding island away from Bangkok we can get him most of the way here."
          "I'd already thought of that but it would take at least a week to get there from England on full auto-pilot. That will be our fall back option. Continue monitoring the bands for now." Shelob gives the order, however she feels angry at how helpless she feels. "there's gotta be something I'm missing, what's my ace in the hole?" She mumbles privately to herself.
          "Gotcha, I'm setting a search program for anything to do with orks, Metahumans, gun fire, Scorpion Corp, and host of other variables. It'll patch through the speakers when something is scanned. Now I'll wire into cyberspace and see what new data the government has on us." Drider jacks in and his eyes go lifeless as if staring off into a void. The look of a true wire-head.
          Shelob smiles, he's always so happy when he's jacked into that deck of his. In the real world, his skills in stealth and shooting make him an expert assassin. Yet in the virtual world of cyberspace, he thinks it's all a game. A game of constant one - upmanship; always creating a better sleaze or attack program. Just a game to him. But that is because he is a savant with the deck, like his father, like Mozart playing "chop sticks." I just hope he doesn't slip. . .
          But I have talents of my own. Drider's father was mine as well. . . Shelob jacks into her deck; a customized "Super Cyber 7" Drider built for her. Immediately she feels her form of a large silvery black spider and stretches her legs wide. She senses the strand leading to Bangkok and climbs the web directly to the system access node of the hospital where Ravage was located. She is there in nanoseconds, cyberspace operating at the speed of the mind. An icon of a check-in nurse stops her at the front entrance of the access port. It's large smile behind a wooden desk only annoys Shelob. 'I don't have time for this, look at my eyes, I think they may be hurt' Saying that, Shelob's eight eyes begin twirling and glowing, quickly hypnotizing and thus controlling the nurse icon.
          'I'm checking in, thank you.' Shelob climbs over the desk and enters the node.
          Shelob explores around the halls of the pseudo hospital until she finds a door labeled in a large red "Restricted."
          'I've found it!' and she enters. A large icon of a muscular hospital orderly advances questioning for an ID pass code. Shelob quickly sprays a web over top of him, coating him in the metallic goop, its effect immediately slowing him down. Shelob then makes a leap and twirls the orderly in her grasp adding more and more web as she goes. 'This ice is rather strong, my web would normally slow down this system till the icon crashes--it's as good as a 5 star hospital should be considering the dignitaries who would use this place-- but it isn't good enough!' With that, Shelob the spider bites the enveloped orderly, poisoning him in an instant. 'Dead!' As the pixels begin to dissolve away Shelob deftly cuts off the upper torso of the icon and stores away the image as a grisly reminder of her prey.
          With that she is in control of the system. She quickly attaches a thread to this point and then jumps to a Slave Node commanding the automated camera throughout the hospital and outside.
          In a few moments she actually sees him. Ravage. Getting into a ricksha he is being towed down the street. At this point blood erupts from the head of the porter.
          'He's been waxed! Who the frag?' Quickly Shelob flips through all the cameras. She reaches a parking lot view which she tilts upward and spots a lone sniper on an adjoining annex building preparing to take aim again.
          'DREK! LOOK OUT!' Shelob then notices a camera mounted behind the assassin covered with what appears to be a straw hat. 'That Gonk actually didn't want to be filmed by a security camera while taking his shot.' She then begins vigorous shaking of the camera, back and forth, back and forth, the servos spinning loudly she hopes.
          She's in luck, the assassin is distracted and looks behind him to where the noise emanates from--just then the hat falls off.
          'Smile, your on candid trideo!' The assassin seeing the camera and realizing it is too late to stop, goes back to searching for his target, stretching his neck searching for the Orc. Shelob then checks another perspective and sees Ravage out and running toward the building.
          'I think I bought him some time.' Shelob then focuses back on would-be sniper of Ravage.
          'Who the drek is this guy?' Shelob thinks to herself, 'The government can't know that Ravage is still alive or they would've sent a hit squad into his hospital room weeks ago. No, this must be someone who has it out for the former Orc -- the slaver. Maybe another slaver sent the assassin, trying to destroy the competition. Perhaps a dealer angry about some poor stock he recently acquired. An angry purchaser of a slave, trying to cover his tracks. Who knows.
          In any case this chummer is a rookie--any killer worth his salt would've left after the camera was on him. But then this is Bangkok, and you only get what you pay for. Boyo, I sure wouldn't want to be you right now!' Mere moments later, Shelob observes the familiar form of Ravage creep up behind the man.
          Soon there is only the form of Ravage holding up the head on a makeshift pike. "RAVAGE IS BACK!"
          'Yes Ravage, yes you are. . .' Ravage then quickly climbs down the building and runs off into the shadows out of range of the cameras. Shelob then pulls herself on her thread back to the main system node and sends out a group of small spiders throughout the system. Searching throughout the database for all references to the Orc in the hospital and poisoning them where they lie.
          'So much for giving Ravage a fake identity, that severed head'll be all over the vids soon enough.'
          She decides to keep the film footage of Ravage's encounter as a gift for him when she sees him again. She downloads it to her home computer, along with some other data about local politicians and their medical treatment, hoping it has some value or information the team could use. Then she jacks out.
          "No need to crash the system entirely, all the patients rely on the computer operation. Besides, they took good care of one of my chummers." With that she begins issuing orders to those under her command.
          "Prepare the sub for a long voyage. I want two techs and a medic on board. When all is ready, I will hitch the sub on auto-pilot relative to a ship going towards Bangkok and hide in the wake made by the props. It'll take longer to get there, but I don't need to be on the sub and it is relatively stealthy."
          "Besides, the other ship has better navigators than you. . ." says Drider as he is coming out of his cyber ride.
          "Yeah, that too buttonhead."

          "Rakasha, where the frag you been? I called for you over 5 minutes ago!" Shelob yells as the ragged figure slinks into the room.
          "Just having a catnap in my off-time, Captain. I assume that is still allowed." Rakasha answers sarcastically as he wipes his eyes. "By the way, where's our other mage, Sidewinder? The one that is supposed to be on duty?" Rakasha asks.
          "Damn feline shamans, always napping or primping yourselves. Well kitty, now that you're here maybe we can get some use out of you. I want you to do an astral scan in Bangkok near the hospital where Ravage was defragging. It seems he has come out of his slumber as well. He only left the area a few minutes ago. We need you to find him, then present yourself to him in the physical plane. You are to arrange places that we can get in touch with him at specified times--at his disposal. So ka?
          "Gotcha Rimbo, cover my ass while I'm out will ya?" With that and a wink, Rakasha leans back in his chair and closes his eyes.
          "He'll be lucky if I don't declaw him while he's out, the little fragger." Shelob mumbles to Drider as the Shaman drifts off into his astral trance. "Call me a Rimbo, I'll Rambo Bimbo your family jewels!" She says with a smile. "So what did you get from your cyberspace search?"
          "Virtually nada. There has been almost no mention of us as a threat since our eviction. However, I did find several other key individuals in governmental positions were replaced over a period of two weeks. It seems as though all key persons in the government ruling the area have recently been brought under obviously false charges of treason, and summarily executed or imprisoned. The Military remains largely unchanged as a group, and are at the moment following the orders of the new government." Drider pauses, "We got rocked out of Bangkok because we were the only threat that was unlikely to be infiltrated."

          A while later Rakasha reports in to Shelob about his astral mission.
          "Find Ravage?" Shelob asks.
          "Sorry boss, no could-do. I scanned the area for quite a while, but he was already long gone." Rakasha reports.
          "So we still have no way to communicate with him." Shelob says plainly, shaking her head.
          "All I saw around there was the splat-job on the roof of the hospital, and a couple white coat leeches slicing the donor up and running the parts inside to a donation room!" The leopard shaman licks his lips in mock delight. "That is, what was left of him after Ravage finished with him--I don't imagine a head with a pike through it has many uses."
          Shelob rolls her eyes, "Go on with it."
          "The law showed up while the techs were still hacking on the body, The officers looked over the body and the area and then took the rifle. One of 'em with just a pistol wiped off the rifle and then slung it over his shoulder. Creds were also exchanged between the two groups."
          "Wiz luck!" Shelob exclaimed, "You can always count on a good bribe working in Bangkok!"
          "It appears Ravage just performed some charity wetwork for the local organ legger group, and I doubt the law will report it. However, the head was still mounted on a pole overhanging the street below and a small crowd was beginning to form pointing up at it. Whatever the net effect, his rep back on the street just had new life breathed into it. But that's all I scanned."
          "Nice try Rakasha, now go take a nap. This one at least was earned." Shelob dismisses the shaman and ponders the events of the day.
          At least the government might not know about Ravage yet, but the people do. If he's as popular as he likes to claim he is, that may buy him some time. Sooner or later however the government'll know. Either another head will show up--two or three is not so easily dismissed--or word from the street will reach the antennae of the ruling body. Then all hell will break loose.
          Shelob gets on the horn and calls for Drider. Once he enters she says, "Tomorrow I want you and Rakasha to put the passport operation into effect, bright and early, So Ka?"
          "So Ka, I understand. . ." Drider then retreats to his cot to sleep for the night.
          Shelob, only needing two hours of sleep a day decides to sit up the rest of the night in the communications room, waiting for another call that never comes. Ravage knows better then to call that frequently on an unsafe line. . .


          Things did not look good. After going to the safe house Ravage attempted to do some recon by calling on some old friends. Problem was no one could be found. It was like anything related even remotely to Ravage was torn off the face of the earth. Hu-Ching his local buyer was found murdered in his own home, Sgt. Wui was killed in a street fire fight when his backup was canceled mysteriously and the Rice boys were systematically murdered one by one. He dared not walk the streets, especially after the killing he had done the other day. He had plenty of supplies in the house but knew that eventually he would have to leave.
          In a whirl of motion Ravage leaps towards the side of the door and draws his deadly katana. He eyes the doorknob as it twists and turns as if someone was trying to pick it open. With a slight click the door opens a crack and a small figure peers in. Before anything else can happen, Ravage grabs the small figure and tosses him into the small, dimly lit room and slams the door. Katana held before him, Ravage snarls in Vietnamese, "This is a private party chum, no uninvited guests allowed. So you better start spewing some data before you get slagged."
          "Ravage? Is that you?" a trembling voice escapes from the small body, " Its me Puck."
          Lowering his sword slightly, " Puck? I thought they had slagged all of the boys from the gang?"
          "They did. I was the only one that got away." puck replies in a sadden, tearful voice. " If you hadn't sent me to the capital to set up a buy... When I came home Ratboy stopped me from going to the home base and we have been hopping from safe house to safe house ever since."
          "Ratboy made it out too?"
          "No." replied Puck, " He was iced the other day while on a supply run. We had gotten soft, since we had seen no snoops for days and he had an urge for some slagging ganja. The drek head just walked up to a DOD(dealer on demand) and got capped." Tears stream down the boys dirty, sunken face. He had lived a hard life and it wasn't getting any better.
          "Yo. Suck it up kid." said Ravage in a dramatically less threatening manner. He had always liked Puck and was very glad to see he had made it. "Life deals you a bad hand and you gotta learn how to play it. Believe me Puck if you wallow in your pity, you'll only grow bitter and old. In this biz you have to roll with it and spit back in its face."
          With a shake the boy wipes out the tears from his eyes and straightens up. He quickly sheaths a small dagger, which brings a smile to Ravage. "Nice boy, good to see you weren't going down with out a fight. O.K. we have to evac this scene ASAP. The snoops are probably getting close and we need a plan. Let me think. O.K. remember the time I asked you to find some info on my group. You gave me a list of contacts that they had down here, do you still have the data?"
          "It was beat up a little during the running but I think I can still scan some info." He deftly produces a small chip from his pouch and inserts it into his neural slot. "O.K. looks like the only leads we have are... 1. a contact in the customs dept. that Drider had. 2. a contact Shelob had in the national army. 3. Sidewinder had a contact in the police force. That's it, the rest of the data has been corrupted. Oh and I do have a strange number that I noted Drider entered into his keyboard once but I don't know what it was for."
          "O.K. that will have to do. I expect we have one more day here before we have to go. So if you got your bones lets play some numbers games and see what we come up with. After that well check on the contacts if they are still alive."
          Puck pulls out a small computer that appears to be a wreck but to any knowledgeable decker a piece of art. This wasn't no store bought drek but a custom handmade job that any corps would love to have. It had taken Puck all of 5 years of his young life to make and he treasured it like no other. With a speed that amazed Ravage he quickly was booted up and typing the code.
          "Who knows what Drider had this code for but lets hope it will help us." says Ravage in a hushed whisper.


(Next Day)
          Rakasha comes out of the building, a large grin on his face. Drider understands that this means he has influenced a collar who has access to the government records. Drider then follows him inside. They both pass by a front desk where a large line of people are standing waiting to have SIN Cards renewed or processed.
          "A little well placed magic and you never stand in line." whispers Rakasha to Drider. "Our friend is back here. You ready?"
          Drider nods his head in agreement. They both enter an office decorated in standard government plainness and see a mousy young lady with large glasses sitting behind the desk at a computer terminal.
          "Oh, Mr. Johnson, you're back so soon!" the drably dressed women straightens up and smiles a toothy grin. Her hair is in a tight bun, her glasses connected by a string around her neck, and lastly a pocket holding a small hand computer complete the picture of a stereotypical 2050's nerd.
          "Yes, I forgot to thank you for all the work you've done for me. You are just Aces" Rakasha imbues the statement with as much charisma and he can muster. Drider smirks to himself. Good thing he has magic, only Shelob can pull that off based on just charm alone.
          "Your smile is thanks enough" the women responds. Drider can barely hold back the laughter, government jobs must be so rewarding.
          Drider then holds up a finger to his eye, "You seem to have something in your eye." The secretary then pulls out a small compact mirror and checks,
          "I don't see anything" she says quizzically.
          "Let me get that for you" Rakasha says and moves over to her, grabbing her by the head and touching near her eye. "It's working its way under your eyelid, the little dregger." Rakasha then touches her eye with his index finger, a finger coated with pepper sauce readied for just this occasion.
          "YOUCH! That hurts!" she yells.
          "It does? Golly let's go to the bathroom and I'll wash it out." Rakasha then leads her out of the room towards the bathroom, winking at Drider as he leaves.
          "Time for me to go to work," Drider says as he pulls his deck from a backpack. He connects his deck into the cyber-terminal on her desk and jacks in the trode to his skull. 'Let's see what we can do here.' Drider sees that they are already at what appears to be the third level of the SIN system grid. 'That first level access node looks like a Tarbaby. Good thing I'm past it now!' Drider then runs his search program made especially for this purpose. Waving his hands in mock casting of a spell a large disembodied eye appears. It turns to look at him, his sleek black drider body being reflected back at him off its shiny surface. 'Seek.' With that the eye turns and moves away.
          Drider then begins work of his own. He quickly downloads a copy of the system grid for future reference, and begins work on creating a window through the first level access node using the white collar workers security clearance to suppress the ice for the moment. 'That should do it, a hidden entrance directly through the Tarbaby.' he says when finished.
          The large eye then returns with 3 different selections of SIN Cards that are being processed, matching Ravage's age, race, height and weight.
          'Ahh, here's a good one, an insect exterminator--how appropriate.' Drider then pastes a picture of Ravage in the place of the other Orc, and changes the mailing address to a nondescript P.O. Box that will be easy to pick up from safely. He then sends the eye to return the information to where it came from--mere nanoseconds later the eye returns. 'Time to get out"
          Drider then comes out of his trance and quickly disconnects his deck and returns it to his backpack. He then retreats to his chair, just as Rakasha and the frail return.
          Drider and Rakasha exchange quick glances--each knowing mission accomplished. He leads the disheveled secretary to her desk, her makeup smeared all over her face. "We had ta wash her eyes out in the sink, chummer. Whatever it was is gone."
          "Now we really need to get going, I'm gonna be late" Drider does his best impression of a fellow officer worker. "I wouldn't want to get a dock in creds."
          "Yeah, you right. Well thanks again for everything." Rakasha and Drider exit the room, leaving the poor woman to try and piece her painted face back together.
          As the two leave the building and hop into a van a few blocks away Rakasha drops the makeover spells on both of them. "A little magic goes a long way, eh chummer?"
          "Yeah, you right. Your little friend could use a makeover herself. Let's get outta here. The data should make it into the mail in a few days."
